Saturday April 29, 2023-10 am -2pm
Kent Park
3900 Bridge Street
Drexel Hill, PA
Crum Lynne Pet Expo
Saturday April 22, 2023 10am-1pm
American Legion FA Scott Post 777
Crum Lynne, PA

Volunteer Highlight: Emma
My name is Emma and I have been volunteering with ACDC for just over 6 years. I had no plans of volunteering at the time, but I couldn’t say no when I was told volunteers were needed. I had just adopted my first kitten Toby and shortly after I began helping out. I have always loved animals in general, and was apart of a community service fraternity for three years in college, so I couldn’t pass up when the opportunity arose to help animals once I moved back home. I was positive I was only going to volunteer for a year, but I quickly fell in love with helping so many kitties find their forever homes that I couldn’t leave. I even adopted a second cat after my first year (because who can say no). I am very grateful I stumbled upon ACDC not only for bringing my twos cats into my life, but for helping me give back and feel good doing it.

Foster Highlight: Rebecca
Our daughter, Maya, started us on the path to fostering. She assists with cat care for a neighbor who is a foster for ACDC, and a couple summers ago, two young mother cats were found with kittens the same day. One of those cats had nine kittens, the other had four! The mama cats – and our neighbor – were overwhelmed! We had always wanted to foster but didn’t know how our brood of four cats would react to having others in the house, but it felt like the right time to try. What a joy! We haven’t been without a few extra furballs ever since, and our kitties seem to somehow understand. Soon our daughter will be off at college, and we’ll have one more room to fill with kitty love.

Congrats on finding your Fuurever home!
Taco, Piglet and Roo, Cheddar, Cranberry Sauce and Stuffing, Lando, Pawla McCartney and Ringo Starr, Mia, Mango and Tangerine, Colby Jack and Feta, Booker, Fig, Junebug, Ladybug and Cricket, Cotton Candy and Taffy!