Talk about A LOT of kitties in desperate need of help. In the span of 1 short week, rescuers saved 35 cats; 31 kittens, and 4 nursing mothers.
One mom with 6 kittens, another mom with 5 kittens, two moms with 4 kittens, plus an additional 16 motherless babies. Most of the cats were found outside in unsafe and unsanitary conditions where they had little chance of survival.
Rescuers need your help to support these newly rescued cats with donations towards their care. Their veterinary bills over these next few months will much be higher than usual to be able to give these rescued cats and kittens the best possible care.
Many had eye infections, eyes sealed shut from the pus that had accumulated, noses crusted over making nursing difficult. Eyes left untreated can lead to blindness and nasal congestion making nursing difficult causes dehydration which can lead to death in such small kittens. All of the cats need veterinary care, and some are in worse condition than others. Quite a few of the cats have upper respiratory infections, and two have umbilical hernias. All of the intakes need to be treated for parasites, spayed or neutered, tested for FeLV and FIV, and microchipped. All of the cats were flea-infested and some of the moms were malnourished. Two kittens have umbilical hernias which require surgical repair. All will be spayed and neutered, tested for FeLV/FIV, microchipped, and vaccinated prior to adoption. Our veterinary bills over these next few months will much be higher than usual to be able to give these rescued cats and kittens the best possible care.
Kitten season is just starting and in order to continue to save cat/kittens, we are asking for your support with a donation. Please donate to ACDC with the supplies on our wish list or send a monetary donation to help save these kittens & their moms so that we can continue to save those that desperately need our help.